Among Hindu deities, Hanuman holds the esteemed position of being the greatest. He is revered as the ultimate devotee of Lord Rama. Born to Anjani Mata, he is affectionately referred to as Anjaneya. As the offspring of the Wind God, he is also known as Marutinandan. Hanuman is believed to be immortal and continues to dwell on Earth. Being the son of King Kesari of the Vanar, he is also hailed as Kesarinandan. The tales of Hanuman are numerous and widely cherished. He played a pivotal role in fostering the friendship between Lord Rama and King Sugriva, leading to the joyous reunion of Rama and Sita.
It is said that Hanuman was born in the last phase of Treta Yuga on Tuesday, Chaitra Purnima, in Chitra Nakshatra and Aries Lagna in the Kaithal district of Haryana state, which was formerly known as Kapisthal.
In the Kritivasa Ramayana, Hanuman's connection with Goddess Kali is acknowledged with reverence. According to this version, the Goddess pleased Hanuman with the honour of guarding her temple gates. Consequently, both Bhairav and Hanuman are revered on either side of the temple entrance.
In certain versions of the Shiva Purana from South India, Hanuman is depicted as the son of Shiva and Mohini (the female manifestation of Vishnu), or his mythical tales are intertwined with those of Swami Ayyappa, which hold significance in various parts of South India.
For those who may struggle with self-assurance or feel hesitant to express themselves, it is recommended to recite the Anjaney Stotram with devotion every Tuesday.
श्री राम दूत आंजनेय स्तोत्रम् (रं रं रं रक्तवर्णम्)
रं रं रं रक्तवर्णं दिनकरवदनं तीक्ष्णदंष्ट्राकरालंरं रं रं रम्यतेजं गिरिचलनकरं कीर्तिपंचादि वक्त्रम् ।
रं रं रं राजयोगं सकलशुभनिधिं सप्तभेतालभेद्यंरं रं रं राक्षसांतं सकलदिशयशं रामदूतं नमामि ॥ 1 ॥
खं खं खं खड्गहस्तं विषज्वरहरणं वेदवेदांगदीपंखं खं खं खड्गरूपं त्रिभुवननिलयं देवतासुप्रकाशम् ।
खं खं खं कल्पवृक्षं मणिमयमकुटं माय मायास्वरूपंखं खं खं कालचक्रं सकलदिशयशं रामदूतं नमामि ॥ 2 ॥
इं इं इं इंद्रवंद्यं जलनिधिकलनं सौम्यसाम्राज्यलाभंइं इं इं सिद्धियोगं नतजनसदयं आर्यपूज्यार्चितांगम् ।
इं इं इं सिंहनादं अमृतकरतलं आदिअंत्यप्रकाशंइं इं इं चित्स्वरूपं सकलदिशयशं रामदूतं नमामि ॥ 3 ॥
सं सं सं साक्षिभूतं विकसितवदनं पिंगलाक्षं सुरक्षंसं सं सं सत्यगीतं सकलमुनिनुतं शास्त्रसंपत्करीयम् ।
सं सं सामवेदं निपुण सुललितं नित्यतत्त्वस्वरूपंसं सं सं सावधानं सकलदिशयशं रामदूतं नमामि ॥ 4 ॥
हं हं हं हंसरूपं स्फुटविकटमुखं सूक्ष्मसूक्ष्मावतारंहं हं हं अंतरात्मं रविशशिनयनं रम्यगंभीरभीमम् ।
हं हं हं अट्टहासं सुरवरनिलयं ऊर्ध्वरोमं करालंहं हं हं हंसहंसं सकलदिशयशं रामदूतं नमामि ॥ 5 ॥
इति श्री रामदूत स्तोत्रम् ॥