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Sri Mahishasura Mardini Stotram (Ayigiri Nandini)

Writer: Dr.Madhavi Srivastava Dr.Madhavi Srivastava

Updated: Nov 24, 2024

Sri Mahishasura Mardini Stotram is a potent devotional hymn venerating the Goddess Durga, revered as the formidable and merciful destroyer of the buffalo monster Mahishasura. This stotram is a composition that praises the Divine Mother, highlighting her different forms and qualities. It portrays her as Giri Nandini, the Daughter of the Himalayas, and Vishwa Vinodini, the cosmic enchantress who brings life to the universe. It pays tribute to her exquisite beauty, bravery, and might as Mahishasura Mardini, the victorious annihilator of wickedness, and as Bhagavathi, the manifestation of divine vitality and maternal empathy. Every stanza of the song shows her unparalleled skill in overcoming powerful adversaries, her function as the guardian of the virtuous, and her elegance that offers comfort to her followers. The stotram, known by several titles such as Ramya Kapardhini and Shithi Kantha, serves as a song of praise and a spiritual invocation. It asks the deity's blessings for protection, strength, and escape from pain. It encapsulates the fundamental nature of her celestial performance, in which she fosters, safeguards, and ultimately conquers obscurity, reinforcing her position as the paramount feminine power in the universe. Reciting this stotram is thought to elicit the divine energy of Durga, bestowing strength and bravery and safeguarding upon her followers while commemorating her as the supreme deliverer who consistently triumphs against malevolent powers.

Sri Mahishasura Mardini Stotram

Sri Mahishasura Mardini Stotram

ayi girinandini nanditamēdini viśvavinōdini nandinutē

girivaravindhyaśirōdhinivāsini viṣṇuvilāsini jiṣṇunutē ।

bhagavati hē śitikaṇṭhakuṭumbini bhūrikuṭumbini bhūrikṛtē

jaya jaya hē mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasutē ॥ 1 ॥

O Daughter of the Mountain, who brings joy to the earth, who delights the universe, praised by Nandi,

O Dweller, who resides on the crest of the Vindhya mountains, shines with the glory of Vishnu and is praised by him.

O Goddess, consort of Lord Shiva (whose throat is blue), who takes care of a whole universe, who creates abundance,

Victory, victory to you, O Mahishasura Mardini (buffaloes demons), O beautiful one with flowing locks, O Daughter of the Mountain!

suravaravarṣiṇi durdharadharṣiṇi durmukhamarṣiṇi harṣaratē

tribhuvanapōṣiṇi śaṅkaratōṣiṇi kalmaṣamōṣiṇi ghōraratē । [kilbiṣa-, ghōṣa-]

danujanirōṣiṇi ditisutarōṣiṇi durmadaśōṣiṇi sindhusutē

jaya jaya hē mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasutē ॥ 2 ॥

O Bestower of boons upon the gods, who terrifies the demon, who is angry at the wicked, who is full of joy,

Who nourishes the three worlds, who delights Lord Shiva, who removes sin, who is fierce in battle.

Who is wrathful towards the demons, who is angry with the sons of Diti, who dries up arrogance, O Daughter of the Ocean,

Victory, victory to you, O Mahishasura Mardini, O beautiful one with flowing locks, O Daughter of the Mountain!

ayi jagadamba madamba kadambavanapriyavāsini hāsaratē

śikhari śirōmaṇi tuṅgahimālaya śṛṅganijālaya madhyagatē ।

madhumadhurē madhukaiṭabhagañjini kaiṭabhabhañjini rāsaratē

jaya jaya hē mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasutē ॥ 3 ॥

O Mother of the Universe, my Mother, who loves to reside in the Kadamba forest and is full of joy,

Who is the jewel on the peak of the Himalayas, whose abode is in the middle of the snowy mountains.

O Sweet One, who killed Madhu and Kaitabha, who destroyed Kaitabha and is delighted in the dance,

Victory, victory to you, O Mahishasura Mardini, O beautiful one with flowing locks, O Daughter of the Mountain!

ayi śatakhaṇḍa vikhaṇḍitaruṇḍa vituṇḍitaśuṇḍa gajādhipatē

ripugajagaṇḍa vidāraṇachaṇḍa parākramaśuṇḍa mṛgādhipatē ।

nijabhujadaṇḍa nipātitakhaṇḍa vipātitamuṇḍa bhaṭādhipatē [-chaṇḍa]

jaya jaya hē mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasutē ॥ 4 ॥

O One who cut the trunks of elephants into a hundred pieces and who is the lord of elephants,

Who with great force tore the cheeks of the enemy elephants, and who is the supreme lion among beasts.

Who, with her mighty arms, cut down enemies, who decapitated and destroyed their leaders,

Victory, victory to you, O Mahishasura Mardini, O beautiful one with flowing locks, O Daughter of the Mountain!

ayi raṇadurmada śatruvadhōdita durdharanirjara śaktibhṛtē

chaturavichāradhurīṇa mahāśiva dūtakṛta pramathādhipatē ।

duritadurīha durāśaya durmati dānavadūta kṛtāntamatē

jaya jaya hē mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasutē ॥ 5 ॥

O One who is risen to slay the arrogant enemies in battle, who wields the mighty, invincible celestial weapons,

Who is the wise and great messenger of Lord Shiva, the leader of the Pramathas (Shiva's attendants).

Who destroys evil intentions, malicious thoughts, and wicked demons by being like the god of death,

Victory, victory to you, O Mahishasura Mardini, O beautiful one with flowing locks, O Daughter of the Mountain!

ayi śaraṇāgata vairivadhūvara vīravarābhayadāyakarē

tribhuvana mastaka śūlavirōdhi śirōdhikṛtāmala śūlakarē ।

dumidumitāmara dundubhināda mahō mukharīkṛta tigmakarē

jaya jaya hē mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasutē ॥ 6 ॥

O Protector who grants refuge to the brave heroes who come seeking shelter from the enemy women,

Who holds the pure spear that defeats the might of the three worlds, the one that pierces the heads of enemies,

Who resounds with the tremendous beating of celestial drums that make the blazing sun roar,

Victory, victory to you, O Mahishasura Mardini, O beautiful one with flowing locks, O Daughter of the Mountain!

ayi nijahuṅkṛtimātra nirākṛta dhūmravilōchana dhūmraśatē

samaraviśōṣita śōṇitabīja samudbhavaśōṇita bījalatē ।

śiva śiva śumbha niśumbha mahāhava tarpita bhūta piśācharatē

jaya jaya hē mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasutē ॥ 7 ॥

O One who, with just the utterance of "Hum," vanquishes hundreds of demons with smoky eyes,

Who, in battle, dries up the blood of Raktabija and causes the creeper of blood to sprout from him.

O One who is pleased with the grand battle offerings of ghosts and spirits against Shumbha and Nishumbha,

Victory, victory to you, O Mahishasura Mardini, O beautiful one with flowing locks, O Daughter of the Mountain!

dhanuranusaṅga raṇakṣaṇasaṅga parisphuradaṅga naṭatkaṭakē

kanaka piśaṅga pṛṣatkaniṣaṅgarasadbhaṭa śṛṅga hatāvaṭukē ।

kṛtachaturaṅga balakṣitiraṅga ghaṭadbahuraṅga raṭadbaṭukē

jaya jaya hē mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasutē ॥ 8 ॥

O One who is ready for battle with a quiver full of arrows, whose anklets dance on her feet,

Whose golden-hued quiver bristles with arrows, who crushes the heads of enemy warriors with her horn,

Who, with the well-organized four-fold army, dances on the battlefield, overpowering the many-headed enemies,

Victory, victory to you, O Mahishasura Mardini, O beautiful one with flowing locks, O Daughter of the Mountain!

suralalanā tatathēyi tathēyi kṛtābhinayōdara nṛtyaratē

kṛta kukuthaḥ kukuthō gaḍadādikatāla kutūhala gānaratē ।

dhudhukuṭa dhukkuṭa dhindhimita dhvani dhīra mṛdaṅga ninādaratē

jaya jaya hē mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasutē ॥ 9 ॥

O One who dances joyfully with gestures of divine maidens in celebration,

Who delights in the rhythm of songs accompanied by the sounds of "Kukutha Kukutha" and "Gadada," full of curiosity.

Who rejoices in the deep sound of the drumbeats of "Dhudhukuta Dhukkuta" and the resonant notes of the Mridanga,

Victory, victory to you, O Mahishasura Mardini, O beautiful one with flowing locks, O Daughter of the Mountain!

jaya jaya japya jayē jaya śabdaparastuti tatpara viśvanutē

bhaṇa bhaṇa bhiñjimi bhiṅkṛtanūpura siñjitamōhita bhūtapatē । [jha-, jhiṃ-]

naṭitanaṭārdha naṭīnaṭanāyaka nāṭitanāṭya sugānaratē

jaya jaya hē mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasutē ॥ 10 ॥

O One who is praised by the chants of "Victory, Victory!" and by those who are dedicated to singing hymns of your glory,

O Lord of the beings who are enchanted by the tinkling sound of the anklets that go "Bhan Bhan Bhimjimi,"

Who is the leader of the celestial dancers, enjoying the divine performance of their graceful dance,

Victory, victory to you, O Mahishasura Mardini, O beautiful one with flowing locks, O Daughter of the Mountain!

ayi sumanaḥ sumanaḥ sumanaḥ sumanaḥ sumanōhara kāntiyutē

śrita rajanī rajanī rajanī rajanī rajanīkara vaktravṛtē ।

sunayana vibhramara bhramara bhramara bhramara bhramarādhipatē

jaya jaya hē mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasutē ॥ 11 ॥

O One adorned with the beauty of the finest flowers, with a radiance that captivates the heart,

Who is surrounded by the moonlit night that enhances her beauty repeatedly.

Who is the leader of the swarm of bees, playfully wandering around, attracted by the sweetness of her face,

Victory, victory to you, O Mahishasura Mardini, O beautiful one with flowing locks, O Daughter of the Mountain!

sahita mahāhava mallama tallika mallita rallaka mallaratē

virachita vallika pallika mallika bhillika bhillika varga vṛtē ।

sitakṛta phullasamullasitāruṇa tallaja pallava sallalitē

jaya jaya hē mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasutē ॥ 12 ॥

O One who enjoys the grand wrestling match, skillfully engaging with powerful opponents,

Who is surrounded by the various tribes of Vallikas, Pallikas, Mallikas, and Bhillikas.

Who is gracefully adorned with bright, blooming flowers and reddish leaves that sway with the gentle breeze,

Victory, victory to you, O Mahishasura Mardini, O beautiful one with flowing locks, O Daughter of the Mountain!

aviralagaṇḍagalanmadamēdura mattamataṅgaja rājapatē

tribhuvanabhūṣaṇa bhūtakalānidhi rūpapayōnidhi rājasutē ।

ayi sudatījana lālasamānasa mōhanamanmatha rājasutē

jaya jaya hē mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasutē ॥ 13 ॥

O Daughter of the Ocean King, who is like an entire ocean of beauty, a jewel adorning the three worlds,

O Lord of the mighty elephants whose temples drip with flowing ichor,

O Daughter of the King of Love, who captivates the hearts of beautiful women,

Victory, victory to you, O Mahishasura Mardini, O beautiful one with flowing locks, O Daughter of the Mountain!

kamaladalāmala kōmalakānti kalākalitāmala bhālalatē

sakalavilāsa kaḻānilaya kramakēlichalatkalahaṃsakulē ।

alikula saṅkula kuvalaya maṇḍala maulimiladbhakulāli kulē

jaya jaya hē mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasutē ॥ 14 ॥

O One with a forehead that shines like a lotus petal, pure and delicate,

Who is the abode of all fine arts and whose dancing swans play gracefully.

Who is surrounded by swarms of bees attracted to the fragrance of the blue lotus cluster,

Victory, victory to you, O Mahishasura Mardini, O beautiful one with flowing locks, O Daughter of the Mountain!

karamuraḻīrava vījita kūjita lajjitakōkila mañjumatē

milita pulinda manōhara guñjita rañjitaśaila nikuñjagatē ।

nijaguṇabhūta mahāśabarīgaṇa sadguṇasambhṛta kēḻitalē

jaya jaya hē mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasutē ॥ 15 ॥

O One whose melodious voice, like the flute, surpasses the singing of the cuckoo,

Who dwells in the beautiful groves of the mountains, pleasing to the tribal women.

Who is worshipped by the great sages and their disciples for her noble qualities,

Victory, victory to you, O Mahishasura Mardini, O beautiful one with flowing locks, O Daughter of the Mountain!

kaṭitaṭapīta dukūlavichitra mayūkhatiraskṛta chandraruchē

praṇatasurāsura mauḻimaṇisphura daṃśulasannakha chandraruchē ।

jitakanakāchala mauḻipadōrjita nirbharakuñjara kumbhakuchē

jaya jaya hē mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasutē ॥ 16 ॥

O One whose bright yellow garment at the waist outshines the radiance of the moon,

Whose nails sparkle like the moon, reflecting the jewelled crowns of gods and demons bowed before her.

Whose breasts are like the domes of golden mountains, defeating the grandeur of golden peaks,

Victory, victory to you, O Mahishasura Mardini, O beautiful one with flowing locks, O Daughter of the Mountain!

vijita sahasrakaraika sahasrakaraika sahasrakaraikanutē

kṛta suratāraka saṅgaratāraka saṅgaratāraka sūnusutē ।

surathasamādhi samānasamādhi samādhi samādhi sujātaratē

jaya jaya hē mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasutē ॥ 17 ॥

O One praised by the thousand-handed Indra and other deities,

Who is the daughter of the one who defeated Tarakasura in battle.

Who delights in deep meditation that is as perfect as that of King Suratha,

Victory, victory to you, O Mahishasura Mardini, O beautiful one with flowing locks, O Daughter of the Mountain!

padakamalaṃ karuṇānilayē varivasyati yō'nudinaṃ sa śivē

ayi kamalē kamalānilayē kamalānilayaḥ sa kathaṃ na bhavēt ।

tava padamēva parampadamityanuśīlayatō mama kiṃ na śivē

jaya jaya hē mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasutē ॥ 18 ॥

O Compassionate One, whose lotus feet are worshipped daily by those seeking blessings,

O Goddess residing in the lotus, will the lotus-dweller not also reside in your lotus feet?

If one believes that your feet alone are the supreme abode, what can they not achieve, O Goddess?

Victory, victory to you, O Mahishasura Mardini, O beautiful one with flowing locks, O Daughter of the Mountain!

kanakalasatkala sindhujalairanusiñchinutē guṇaraṅgabhuvaṃ

bhajati sa kiṃ na śachīkuchakumbha taṭīparirambha sukhānubhavam ।

tava charaṇaṃ śaraṇaṃ karavāṇi natāmaravāṇi nivāsi śivaṃ

jaya jaya hē mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasutē ॥ 19 ॥

O One who sprinkles the earth with the golden, sparkling waters of virtues,

Who would not enjoy the bliss of embracing the bosom of Indra's consort, Shachi,

I seek refuge in your feet, which are like the abode of Shiva and are worshipped by celestial beings,

Victory, victory to you, O Mahishasura Mardini, O beautiful one with flowing locks, O Daughter of the Mountain!

tava vimalēndukulaṃ vadanēndumalaṃ sakalaṃ nanu kūlayatē

kimu puruhūta purīndumukhī sumukhībhirasau vimukhīkriyatē ।

mama tu mataṃ śivanāmadhanē bhavatī kṛpayā kimuta kriyatē

jaya jaya hē mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasutē ॥ 20 ॥

Your pure moon-like face brings forth the entire lineage of spotless moons,

How, then, can the celestial maidens of Indra’s city, with their beautiful faces, not be outshone?

If one has your name, O Giver of Boons, what more could they need?

Victory, victory to you, O Mahishasura Mardini, O beautiful one with flowing locks, O Daughter of the Mountain!

ayi mayi dīnadayālutayā kṛpayaiva tvayā bhavitavyamumē

ayi jagatō jananī kṛpayāsi yathāsi tathā'nubhitāsiratē ।

yaduchitamatra bhavatyurari kurutādurutāpamapākuru tē [mē]

jaya jaya hē mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasutē ॥ 21 ॥

O Uma, it would help if you showered your compassion on me, a humble one, with your kindness,

O Mother of the universe, you are compassionate to all, just as you have always been.

May you do what is best and destroy all my sufferings and difficulties,

Victory, victory to you, O Mahishasura Mardini, O beautiful one with flowing locks, O Daughter of the Mountain!

iti śrī mahiṣāsuramardini stōtram ॥


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